Whitelab Computational Resources

Officials to contact to receive access.

To receive an account needed for accessing the whitelab servers within Rutgers, one needs to contact the following persons for setting up an account,

Cheryl Thiemann cthiemann@cinj.rutgers.edu

Wenping Yang yangw3@cinj.rutgers.edu

Adrian Rodriguez alr252@cinj.rutgers.edu

Our Resources

We have 1 servers with the following configuration. This set up is minimal to just hold

Machine - RAM : 128 GB - Disk Space : 3 TB (extendable)

Basic Usage

How to get an account in whitelab servers?

Contact the officials mentioned above as you need several permissions to get an account. After getting an account you need to use VPN to get connected with the whitelab server. The information for vpn is provided in the Rutgers IT website. Once connected to the VPN, you can use the following command to log in to the whitelab server.

What do I need for logging in from a Mac?

You can open the terminal app or use any other command prompt to log in to the whitelab server. The command is as follows,

$ ssh <NetID>@wlab.cinj.rutgers.edu

You will be prompted to enter your password and after entering the password you will be logged in to the whitelab server.

What do do if I am using a Windows machine?

Windows machines do not have a built-in SSH client, you need to install software called Mobaxterm to get a tool that can help you log in to the whitelab server. In the mobaxterm app you can log in following the previous command.

$ ssh <NetID>@wlab.cinj.rutgers.edu

You will be prompted to enter your password and after entering the password you will be logged in to the whitelab server.

How to navigate through the server?

learn about the basic linux commands to create directories and navigate through the server. You can navigate the sytem by learning these commands from here . There are countless other resources including asking chatgpt to learn about the basic linux commands.

How the server is organized?

The server is organized in a way that you can find the data in the following, individual users have their own home directory. Your home directory should be in /home/<NetID>.

Consequently, all the data right now resides in /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data. The data from the guest users are located in /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/users/guest-users. For example the data from the guest user Hui is located in /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/users/guest-users/Hui.

Maneuvering through the server

As mentioned you can follow this tutorial to navigate the system. You would mostly use cd and ls to navigate through the system. For example to see the contents of the /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data you can use the following command,

$ cd /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data
$ ls

Or alternatively you can use the following command to see the contents of the /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data

$ ls /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data

How to copy data from the server? (using GUI)

windows For transferring files from and to the server you can use softwares such as Whitelab server is a basic linux server that can be navigated using basic linux commands. You can follow this tutorial to learn about the basic linux commands to create directories and navigate through the server. You can navigate the sytem by learning these commands from here . There are countless other resources including asking chatgpt to learn about the basic linux commands.

How the server is organized?

The server is organized in a way that you can find the data in the following, individual users have their own home directory. Your home directory should be in /home/<NetID>.

Consequently, all the data right now resides in /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data. The data from the guest users are located in /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/users/guest-users. For example the data from the guest user Hui is located in /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/users/guest-users/Hui.

Maneuvering through the server

As mentioned you can follow this tutorial to navigate the system. You would mostly use cd and ls to navigate through the system. For example to see the contents of the /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data you can use the following command,

$ cd /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data
$ ls

Or alternatively you can use the following command to see the contents of the /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data

$ ls /s3-data/white-lab-hirak/data

How to copy data from the server? (using GUI)

windows For transferring files from and to the server you can use softwares such as CyberDuck, WinSCP or Filezilla or Bitvise SSH Client <https://www.bitvise.com/ssh-client-download> All are free. The appearance, and how they work are slightly different.

Mac For transferring files from and to the server you can use softwares such as CyberDuck, Filezilla . Both are free. The appearance, and how they work are slightly different.

How to copy data from the server? (from command line)

For advanced users using mac/linux machine can you the following command to copy data from the server.

Copying data _from_ remote Using rsync:

rsync -av --progress <NetID>@wlab.cinj.rutgers.edu:<path_to_dir_to_copy> <your_local_dir>

OR Using scp:

scp -r <NetID>@wlab.cinj.rutgers.edu:<path_to_dir_to_copy> <your_local_dir>

Copying data _to_ remote Using rsync:

rsync -av --progress <your_local_dir> <NetID>@wlab.cinj.rutgers.edu:<path_to_dir_to_copy>

OR Using scp:

scp -r <your_local_dir> <NetID>@wlab.cinj.rutgers.edu:<path_to_dir_to_copy>

Things to remember

  • You need to be connected to the VPN to access the server.

  • NEVER use the sudo command unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing.

  • NEVER delete any data from the server unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing. If you are not sure, ask Wenping Yang via teams.